A concave mirror creates an image from this light using a design pioneered in the17th century, by Sir Isaac newton. 早在17世纪,艾萨克.牛顿就开创性的利用这个光,让凹透镜产生了一个图像。
Great Britain was the first country to adopt the gold standard, when the Mastet of the Mint, Sir Isaac Newton, established a fixed price for gold in1717. 造币厂厂长以撒牛顿爵士1717年确立了黄金的固定价格,大不列颠是第一个采用本位制的国家。
Albert Einstein contributed more than any other scientist since Sir Isaac Newton to our understanding of physical reality. 自从艾萨克。牛顿对现实世界的理解以来,艾伯特。爱因斯坦比任何一个科学家做了较多贡献。
Sir Isaac Newton supposedly discovered gravity through the fall of an apple. 艾萨克·牛顿爵士通过苹果落地发现了万有引力。
Sir Isaac Newton, the great scientist of the seventeenth century, first studied gravitation. 17世纪伟大的科学家牛顿爵士第一个研究了引力。
It was Sir Isaac Newton who discovered the law of gravity. 发现地心吸引定律的是艾萨克-牛顿。
When Sir Isaac Newton was a boy, he often saw apples falling to the ground. 牛顿少年时,经常看到苹果落到地上。
Sir Isaac Newton said that time was absolute, that it occurred whether the universe was here or not. 爱萨克·牛顿爵士说时间是绝对存在的,无论宇宙存在与否它都存在。
A piece of physicist Sir Isaac Newton's apple tree is to defy gravity by being carried into space on the next NASA shuttle mission. 物理学家伊萨克牛顿爵士的那棵苹果树上的一截树枝不久将随美国宇航局的宇航员们前往太空,体验零重力。
A jet engine works on the principle of Sir Isaac Newton's third law of physics, i.e.for every action there is an equal and opposite re-action. 阿喷气发动机的工作原理有一个平等,相反重新行动的艾萨克牛顿第三定律的物理,即每一个行动的原则。
Explore the famous laws and principles that Sir Isaac Newton developed and derived by his unparralleled power of observation and his mechanical thought process. 艾萨克·牛顿爵士以他非比寻常的观察力和思考力提出的力学定律和原理。
In something as big as the South Sea Bubble, poets, bishops, Sir Isaac Newton and King George I were drawn into the euphoria. 在像南海泡沫这样大的事件里,诗人、主教、艾萨克•牛顿爵士(SirIsaacNewton)和英国国王乔治一世(KingGeorgeI)都陷入了狂喜不能自拔。
Of or relating to or inspired by Sir Isaac Newton or his science. 属于或关于牛顿、牛顿科学的,或受其启发的。
The knight we're looking for is Sir Isaac newton. 我们要找的骑士是艾撒克牛顿爵士。